Josanne Cassar VS Clyde Grech Monday 31 July
Category Time Court Team Captain Player 1 Player 2 Games1
MIXED DOUBLES B 19:30 2 Josanne Cassar Michael Degaetano Josanne Cassar 15
Clyde Grech Paul Scicluna Sarah Bonello 3
LADIES DOUBLES B2 19:30 3 Josanne Cassar Natalie Montebello Mariella Ferrante 13
Clyde Grech Frances Saliba Hersey Monica Kochaniec 5
MENS DOUBLES A 19:30 1 Josanne Cassar Norbert Coleiro Josef Cristiano 6
Clyde Grech Clyde Grech Keith Micallef 12
MENS DOUBLES B 21:00 3 Josanne Cassar Owen Gilbo Ivan Saliba 9
Clyde Grech Clint Aguis Alain Frendo 9
LADIES DOUBLE B1 21:00 2 Josanne Cassar MaryAnne Vella Antonia Debono 12
Clyde Grech Nikki Critien Ruth Micallef 6
MIXED DOUBLES A 21:00 1 Josanne Cassar Marco Abela Sarah Wetz 11
Clyde Grech Mark Azzopardi Paula Caruana 7
Resting Players
Team Josanne Nikolai Borg Christine Scerrri
Team Clyde Mario Parascandolo Greta Bartolo Parnis
Resting Players
Nikolai Borg, Mario Parascandolo
Final Matchup Score
Team Josanne Cassar 66
Team Clyde Grech 42
Edith Hili VS Rachel Flores Monday 31 July
Category Time Court Team Captain Player 1 Player 2 Games1
MIXED DOUBLES B 19:30 4 Edith Hili Enrico Federici Alexia Gatt 12
Rachel Flores Kyle Polidano Caroline Hayes 6
LADIES DOUBLES B2 19:30 6 Edith Hili Joanna Azzopardi Christine Podrini 8
Rachel Flores Anne-Marie Attard Sue Stevenson 10
MENS DOUBLES A 19:30 5 Edith Hili John Azzopardi Jevon Dimech 6
Rachel Flores Gavin Borg Ryan Mizzi 12
MENS DOUBLES B 21:00 4 Edith Hili David Marks David Mifsud 8
Rachel Flores Gene Zammit Charles Borg Grech 10
LADIES DOUBLES B1 21:00 6 Edith Hili Alexia Gatt Edith Hili 9
Rachel Flores Elaine Grech Anne-Marie Attard 9
MIXED DOUBLES A 21:00 5 Edith Hili Simon Cuff Amy Polidano 13
Rachel Flores Frank Gollcher Rachel Flores 5
Resting Players
Team Edith Andrew Chubb Vanessa Delia Naudi
Team Rachel Justin Christie Anna Casingena
Team Edith - Alexia Gatt playing instead of Virginia Calleja (Mixed Doubles B)
Team Rachel - Ann-Marie Attard promoted instead of Doriana Portelli (Ladies Double B1)
Resting Players
Andrew Chubb, Justin Christie
Final Matchup Score
Team Edith Hili 56
Team Rachel Flores 52